Great violent entertainment.
Really, this was an interesting, semi-original piece of entertainment. I think this movie is worthy of a run-down review:
Graphics - (10/10) Really great animations and graphics. The blood and animation styles were really almost exactly the same as Krinkel's, so kudos on that.
Style - (9/10) You almost completely copied Krinkel's style! Sure, that can't be an all out bad thing, but seriously.. Try your own thing, I can see you have the talent to do so. On the plus side, you did a great job of making more than one thing happening on screen at once, something I really haven't seen anyone try to do. It can become very confusing if some guy is splitting another guy in half on the bottom of the screen while a fire fight is taking place on the top. Still; great idea, and well implemented.
Sound - (6/10) Techno beats all the way through? It really takes away from the movie that you didn't include fighting sounds (gunshots, explosions, blood sprays).
Violence (10/10) Can't really get anything less than perfect on this category, can you?
Interactivity (10/10) It had a play button. Good job.
Humor (0/10) Not really found here, but that's intentional.
Overall (9/10) A great tribute to madness, even if that wasn't your intention. The concept of having two equally sized teams battling it out on a stage is really interesting and well done. Good job.